Sunday, June 28, 2009

She stilllll hates feet! :)

aaaaah....there's nothing like family.
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Play Ball!

Aaaah these Kunkels are multi-talented. We think he likes soccer better, (evidence: at one practice Ben shirked his baller responsibilities and couldn't wait to get to the adjacent playground, smugly reporting to Craig, "I tricked you. I just wanted to come here to use the playground.") but he sure does make a cute ball player!

"Robert's" Red Satin Pillow Gallery

The Boy Wonder

Ben is one of the smartest, funniest, eloquent, and sweetest children of our times. He reads, he writes, and he colors inside the lines. He even smells people before the walk in the room. He's come a long way from "These cookies are disgusting! Don't ever give me one of these again!" (flings cookie to floor) He uses words like "nemesis" and ensures that you pronounce "rooT beer" ("NOT 'Root' beer"). He sings Kanye and does all kinds of crazy dances. He morphes into a pterodactyl at church and attacks passerbys. When his mother tells him she'll be downstairs in 2 seconds to pour him some pop he descends down the stairs and stops 1/4 of the way to announce "By the way - I believe it's been more than 2 seconds now"...And he loves to get ready for bed because he can gaze lovingly at himself in the mirror as he makes faces that ironically remind me of favorite scenes from "Calvin and Hobbes".
So it is no surprise that we are celebrating his graduation from Kindergarten and his first of many successful school years (Grades were summa cum laude - no big deal.)

Raptor Eyes (Are Watching You)

...and you keep still, because you think maybe his visual acuity's based on movement, like a T-Rex, and he'll lose you if you don't move. But no. Not VELOCIRAPTOR. You stare at him, and he just stares back. That's when the attack comes...not from the front - - no, from the side, from the other two raptors you didn't even know were there.

Back In the Saddle Again

Hello friends. Since Ms. Kunkel is otherwise engaged watching Star Trek re-runs with one Benjamin Kunkel, I, Agent Loeffert, have taken control of her webpage. I have also taken to teaching Evan the bellowing chorus of Star Trek, and it's pretty funny to hear. oooooo woooooo..... Here are some pictures from today...

He's got good taste in shoes....

Food time = fun time